
What Happens If you Write More Than 200 Words in OET

Are you preparing for the OET Writing Test and wondering what will happen if you exceed the 200-word limit? Well, you’re not alone! Many test-takers face this dilemma while attempting to showcase their language proficiency. In this blog post, we’ll delve into OET Scored for Writing and the implications of writing more than 200 words in OET and provide some useful tips to help you maximize your score. So, let’s get started! If you want to score more connect OET course in Chandigarh at Global Nextgen Professionals.

What Happens If You Write More Than 200 Words in OET?

Exceeding the recommended word limit of 200 words in OET Writing Test can have some negative consequences on your overall score. Firstly, writing more than the prescribed length means that you will spend more time drafting and structuring your response, which could affect your ability to complete other sections within the allocated time frame.

Secondly, exceeding the word count might cause you to lose focus on the key points of your answer, leading to irrelevant information and repetition. This could result in a lower grade for Task Response, which is one of four assessment criteria used to evaluate performance.

It’s important to note that examiners usually stop reading after reaching 300 words. Therefore if you write more than this number no matter how good your content is or how well written it relates would not be marked or evaluated. know more about OET course or exam procedure join OET course in Chandigarh at Global Nextgen Professionals.

Adhering strictly to the allotted 200 words ensures that you are concise and focused throughout while maximizing marks from all assessment criteria.

OET Writing Test Format

The OET Writing Test Format is divided into two parts. The first task requires you to write a letter based on a given scenario, while the second task involves writing an essay related to a healthcare topic. Both tasks have specific word count requirements and time limits.

For Task 1, you will be given 20 minutes to complete your letter, which should not exceed 200 words. You need to ensure that you follow the instructions provided in the prompt and address all relevant points required for the situation presented.

Task 2 gives test-takers 40 minutes to write an essay of at least 300 words. In this section of the test, your ability to develop ideas and convey them effectively will be assessed by examiners.

It’s important that you familiarize yourself with both tasks’ format before taking the test. Practicing writing essays and letters within these parameters can help improve your performance on test day, so make sure you are well-prepared when it comes time for testing!
You will be scored on four criteria: Content, Organisation and Coherence, Language Use, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. The total score is then converted into a grade ranging from A to E.

How Many Words Should You Write in OET?

One of the most commonly asked questions about the OET Writing test is how many words should be written. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as it depends on the task given and your ability to effectively convey information in a concise manner.

For example, Task 1 requires you to write a letter with specific instructions and relevant details. In this case, it’s important to focus on providing all necessary information while staying within the word limit of 180-200 words.

On the other hand, Task 2 involves writing an essay expressing an opinion or discussing a topic. For this task, you have more flexibility in terms of word count but still need to ensure that your points are clear and well-supported within 250-300 words.

It’s essential to keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to OET Writing. Therefore, aim for clarity and conciseness while meeting the required length for each task.

Writing Tips for the OET Test

Understand the Test Format: 

The OET Writing test requires you to write a letter within 45 minutes using professional language and tone. Make sure you understand the format and requirements of the task before beginning.

Plan Your Response: 

Take a few minutes to plan your response, including brainstorming ideas, outlining your structure, and identifying key vocabulary or phrases you want to use.

Focus on Clarity:

Use clear and concise language in your response that is easy for the reader to understand. Avoid overly complex sentences or technical jargon that may confuse them.

Stay Relevant:

Stick closely to the prompt provided, ensuring that all information included is relevant to the topic at hand.

Proofread Your Work:

 Take time at the end of your writing session to proofread your work carefully for spelling errors, grammar mistakes or repetitive words/ideas.

By following these tips, you can effectively prepare yourself for success in tackling any OET writing task with confidence!


It is clear that the OET writing test has a specific format and word count requirement. Writing more than 200 words in the OET may lead to negative consequences such as losing marks due to being off-topic or repeating unnecessary information. It is important for test-takers to stick to the prescribed format and guidelines while also showcasing their language proficiency.

By following these tips and strategies outlined above along with thorough preparation beforehand can help candidates ace their OET writing test with ease. So always remember not just how much you write but what you write will determine your overall score in this section of the exam!